Thursday, April 17, 2014

Breathing normal

Today was super nice.  I think though I would like to go back to yesterday April 16.  It was very similar to today in that I didn't have class. 
I feel like yesterday was more eventful and had purpose.  I spent the day at home.  Had breakfast in the morning with my grandfather, we went to Weck's.  If you know anything about Albuquerque, Weck's is a great place to eat.  You get a lot of food for a reasonable price.
After breakfast the first thing that needed to be done was grocery shopping.  I had almost everything that I needed for dinner on Friday and Saturday, but not quite. 
When we came home from that event, I decided that I needed to clean the kitchen and straighten it up, in preparation for dinner and guests.  So I spent the remainder of the day cleaning up, pulling weeds and staining a picnic table that my Grandfather built many many years ago.
Last summer after I tore my ACL and before I had reconstruction surgery, I fixed the table.  I had help from my friends and family members and even got a few more freckles.  The table was supposed to be a simple project, but it turned out to be so much more work.  I did have fun sanding the thing.  Got super dusty and sweaty.  The good kind of work.
Oh real quick back to the pulling weeds part, I pulled maybe 50 or more weeds called "mustard weed"  when I got done I was covered in dirt and little tiny yellow balls and today my legs hurt something fierce.  The backyard looks a little nicer, but still has a way to go.  Hopefully with the semester ending soon I'll be able to work up enough energy to complete a few more task back there.

Today I was lazy.  I went to breakfast again with grandpa and when I got home I ran out real quick to go tanning.  When I returned I watched tv instead of homework and by 2:00 pm I needed to get ready to go to work.  I work at a dry cleaners and I have been for a little over two years.  In the summer the heat is unbearable and in the winter it's just right most of the time.  Today at work, it wasn't anything special, but I was able to work with a lady I don't normally work with.  We talked about all sorts of things, but something that I had never really had the guts to talk about before was religion.  We didn't get real deep, but mostly it was about christian music and how up lifting it can be and when you have road rage how calming it can be.

I have been talking with a couple of my friends about weight loss and nutrition, and the program Weight Watchers was mentioned.  I need to look at my budget and make arrangements to start their online portion, which hopefully is less expensive then the physical buildings.
I looked into getting a bike to start riding everywhere and a good bike is expensive, I mean into the $600.00's.  The one that I saw and liked was considered a "hybrid" which I think means bigger tires and a lighter frame, but not mountain/trail rated.  The bike is something that I need to budget for and save money.  It will give me a goal to work towards.

Well I think this is the end of this entry...until next time. 

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